In light of the past few days on Wall Street and my eye opening experience that has been Financial Peace University, I have been meditating on the word simplicity..what does it mean to you? There has been times in my life that have seemed so far from simple, that I thought it was a myth, not even remotely attainable. Currently (this could change, I'm soo ADD) simplicity comes in a very doable form, menu planning. I'm taking a few hours (it's longer for us food hamburger helper in this house!) Sunday evening to browse the sale flyer's see whats on sale, plan my weekly meals, create my menu and grocery list, this has resulted in more time and freedom that I ever, ever expected. I wish I could say that I'm just a simple girl and that menu planning and staying home with my family makes me completely fulfilled..truthfully I'm the very worst non-simple offender. Deep down I want to be doing SO many other things other than menu planning..and going to Starbucks is right up there on the list. Sadly I'm sucked into non-simple things just as much as the next consumer, yes I want it all and yes I do want it now.
Really though I need to be doing better, I want to start moving away from the pull, the pull of crazy..crazy future, crazy marriage, crazy kids, crazy debt, crazy life.
I stumbled across a blog that had a
It's pretty heavy stuff, some of it is a little extreme for my taste, has a very different perspective from what we as Americans have started to believe, how much we only think about bigger, faster, more. I would like to do this challenge, with a little bit of tweaking (i'm sorry but I'm not going without power), maybe Amber it up a touch..of course I have a million reason's not to right now..out of state visitors (oh sorry we can't go to Mexico we are doing nothing for 30 days) then a move, Thanksgiving and don't forget Christmas.
Yeah that puts this challenge a little ways away, but think about it with me bloggy community..January? If we decided the month of January to REALLY simplify, what could we accomplish? Maybe it would be giving up one thing, just menu planning, eating at home for a whole month?? What do you think you could do without for 30 days? It's amazing when we simplify, open our eyes to a new perspective how much change we really have within us.
There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Leo Tolstoy
Really though I need to be doing better, I want to start moving away from the pull, the pull of crazy..crazy future, crazy marriage, crazy kids, crazy debt, crazy life.
I stumbled across a blog that had a
It's pretty heavy stuff, some of it is a little extreme for my taste, has a very different perspective from what we as Americans have started to believe, how much we only think about bigger, faster, more. I would like to do this challenge, with a little bit of tweaking (i'm sorry but I'm not going without power), maybe Amber it up a touch..of course I have a million reason's not to right now..out of state visitors (oh sorry we can't go to Mexico we are doing nothing for 30 days) then a move, Thanksgiving and don't forget Christmas.
Yeah that puts this challenge a little ways away, but think about it with me bloggy community..January? If we decided the month of January to REALLY simplify, what could we accomplish? Maybe it would be giving up one thing, just menu planning, eating at home for a whole month?? What do you think you could do without for 30 days? It's amazing when we simplify, open our eyes to a new perspective how much change we really have within us.
There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Leo Tolstoy
Spare time for a Jane Austen book club, eh? I wish... I just finished reading the Fitzwilliam Darcy trilogy for the third time. Wanna know what I should have been doing? Yep, homework ;)
I will join in. I have no job now.
I can do simple now...
Lets feed everyone rice(with water from the pool)while Im there, perfect. Cuts down on cooking, Yoshidas please? :)
Guess I better go over and read that blog.