The List

Oh I'm sooo crafty..(with Charity's help)
Seattle Goodwill..finally!!!

10. Ok so last week apparently Amy was not asking if I had a job because I'm so she was asking for legitimate reasons..dang..took the wind right out of my, "Amber is soo popular speech".

9. Had a super good debate this week with Jeff Gokee about this very controversial Christian book. You know how there are some people you love to debate with?? Love to be the devils (no pun indented! ha!) advocate?? Well that would be Jeff:)

8. Had yet another crafty morning with Charity, very nice. We craft and try to solve all the worlds problems at the same time..deep stuff.

7. So twin A came home from school this evening and told me he over heard a kid talking about smoking "weed"..Then twin B proceeded to tell me, "we are sooo not in Montessori anymore Mom". (Oh and news flash..Mom is sooo not ready for this)
Can they just go back to being 4 please?

6. We are still searching for a church to call home. I'm ready to get settled and its starting to wear on the kiddos..I miss having a church family.

5. Miss ya AZ peeps:(

4. Gearing up for a fantabulous weekend!! Miss Elaine is spending 4 days with us!! Yipee!!

3. Every night at exactly 10:37 the alarm system here in cold house does this beapy thing..and it wakes us up every stinking night..yup Zach and I are all warm, cozy..just starting to drift off..BEEP...BEEP. Can we figure out how to turn the @#$% thing off? No..Am I going to shoot a hole in the wall..yes very soon.

2. Where did January go?

1. Stimulus?? Hmm..speechless..hmm..frustated..hmm..I pay taxes why?...hmm..I'm over it!!


Random Thoughts said…
Wow, what a list. As I read it so much went through my mind. I would have loved to have gotten in on the debate, I'm glad my kids missed out on the whole public school thing but what I did had its own set of difficulties, I hope you and Elaine have a wonderful few days, wish I could snag you back at Sultan but know thats a pipe dream and only selfish, I am learning (finally) to look at all of you ladies amazing creativity and not feel like I'm missing something, and you know what Amber, you are sooo super popular but it's because of who you are so thats a good thing. I'm praying you and Zach land at the spot God has planned. See you soon I hope.
Anonymous said…
I think alot of your popularity has to do with your smokin' boot collection

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