The List..

Apple Blossoms

I just don't ever get sick of taking pic's of him:)

Is it totally narcissistic to post a pic of yourself on your own blog??
10. Last week I cut my own bangs and died my own hair. I would like to say I'm doing it because of Dave Ramsey..but really I'm doing it to save money for shopping in Paris:)
9. For all my Christian peeps out there, I found a new blog (the blogs not new, just me finding it is). I love this blog very much. The guy is good. I'm actually anxious for him to post.
8. Zach has been invited up to Alaska for a few days of fishing while I'm in Paris. This makes us look like far more the jet setters than we really are.
I promise.
7. Last Saturday I received my first delivery of non-pasteurized very fresh cows milk. I drank fresh milk growing up. Oh I loved that milk. This stuff is just as good, oh and super-d-duper good for you.
6. Last Sunday we had over a very old friend.
In fact I'm pretty sure it was Mikey who first said to me..
"Do you ever think about Zach as more than a friend?" know the rest of that story:)
But let me tell you this guy has every single BAD Amber and Zach story out there. He knows it all..which scares me..alot:)
5. SUN!! It has shown its very bright face here in Washington the past few days. We actually reached like 70 degrees!! I fell asleep in the yard, pulled weeds, and even got a little nice.
4. Last weekend I made a huge 3 tier chocolate cake (all from scratch) AND strawberry shortcake with yummy REAL whipped cream.
Now on Wednesday I have only one word..DIET.
3. Ok so the other day I accidentally deleted a few comments(this is what happens when Amber is talking on the phone and blogging at the same time). One was from Karen (of course it was some smart @#% comment) and the other was from a stranger. So if you are that stranger I'm sorry!! Comment again! Really I'm not some mean delete the comment type of gal.
2. Can I just fast forward to the part where I'm a real photographer and people are paying me loads of money for my pic's already....I mean come on.
1. I have a little bit of a surprise for you all..make sure you check back Monday. I'm kinda excited about a new project I have brewing.