On to summer!
Bear with this post.. I mean a Mom has to brag every once in a while right??
Oh what men they are turning out to be!! This picture is CRAZY!!As you can see Zach is SUPER happy that graduation lasted 2 hours and we keep taking fifty million pictures..so awesome.
Then to top it off Shad received a President's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.. Wow..it even has Mr. O's signature on it..big doings.Here he is receiving his award and saying something witty and everyone is laughing.. he gets that from me.. the witty part.. not the academic achievement part:)
Last Monday the 3 Strehle boys all received a Hawk award.. Only Silas would let me get a pic and you can't even see his certificate..hey I could be making this whole thing up:)
Yesterday was Shad and Dylans 2 HOUR LONG 6th grade graduation..Oh what men they are turning out to be!! This picture is CRAZY!!As you can see Zach is SUPER happy that graduation lasted 2 hours and we keep taking fifty million pictures..so awesome.
Then to top it off Shad received a President's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.. Wow..it even has Mr. O's signature on it..big doings.
Yay for the Strehle kiddo's!! Now on to summer..
no more papers, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks
And Dad for waiting through it all.