
both pleasant and painful or regretful: a bittersweet memory
What an 18 months it has been!
"Both pleasant and painful" describes it perfectly. What started out as the worst time of my adult life, has gradually moved onto something very meaningful and much more a part of me than I ever expected. I can't put my finger on the moment it changed, but I can think back on MANY moments that have changed me. I think I can attribute my surprisingly sad state to my AZ peeps (guys and gals). I have met some of the most incredible people here in Arizona and I'm a much better person because of them. I'm wondering if this is why God even moved us here to begin with, cuz right now I struggling with the question of why..why 18 months? Why start a new life just to move on, truthfully I'm just so tired of saying good-bye.
Flip side.. I'M GOING HOME!! First thought..YAY!! Green, mountains,old friends,gardening,much better clothing,quiet country life.
Second thought..hmm..there are a few things I really did NOT miss..
So how is this displaced country girl going to react? Like I always first a little flustered, maybe eat too much, cry, pray, ask God for clarity and direction and have faith. Then I will pull up the big girl panties and move on. Knowing we are a better family because of the time we spent in AZ.
Zach has been given another opportunity to continue his growth within C----o and we are taking it. He will be leaving AZ next weekend and we will be following him up around the 19th of December. The next chapter of our story has begun. My hope is to make it as meaningful as the last.
Looking forward to more time together!
Everything else goes without saying.
On a lighter could open a professional moving business with all that moving you have done. :-)