The List..(with a surprise ending!)

10. Are you not sooo excited that EGG NOG is here?? It's actually cold enough in the mornings here that I'm going to go and get me a very hot Egg Nog latte from Starbucks this week..yum. Now of course this poses a little bit of a problem with my new no dairy policy..but I can have a few exceptions to the rules..right?!
9. In a blog I read often, the author refers to her house as "retro house". So I'm kinda stealing her idea and calling mine 80's house. It's not quite cool enough to be called I'm going with 80's
8. One good thing about 80's house is I have a fire place and really pretty mantle AND a nice staircase with a banister to decorate for the holidays.That should be very fun:)
7. Speaking of Christmas decorating..OH I'M SO EXCITED!! You know I never really used to be like this. The Husband and I used to mock people like this, so now he just mocks me..nice.
6. Last week Amy and Karen (AZ gf's) took me to the neatest new restaurant in town for my b-day. Our waitress was named Amber (she was beautiful, friendly and had good hair..must be the name) The ladies also bestowed very nice gifts upon this unsuspecting girl. They had made a secret trip to Anthro without me, at first I was upset that they did not invite me, but of course was won over by very sweet presents:) I'm a lucky lady to have such good AZ gf's.
5. So today I'm meeting with a very sweet artist who is going to spruce up the blog..YAY!!
4. Another AZ gf Jessica had a very sweet new arrival this past weekend. Her and her husband welcomed a baby boy into the world!We have been partners in crime during Dave Ramsey classes for the past 10 weeks or so. They are a great couple and we have had a blast getting to know them. They are going to make great parents:)
3. So THEY came!! Yipee!! What I mean by they of course is the boots..gotta love the smell of new leather:)
2. I'm going to have a few more chances to wear them cuz...
(more on this to come, this has been a TOTAL SHOCK and we will be home by Christmas, really I will post the whole story very soon)
8. One good thing about 80's house is I have a fire place and really pretty mantle AND a nice staircase with a banister to decorate for the holidays.That should be very fun:)
7. Speaking of Christmas decorating..OH I'M SO EXCITED!! You know I never really used to be like this. The Husband and I used to mock people like this, so now he just mocks me..nice.
6. Last week Amy and Karen (AZ gf's) took me to the neatest new restaurant in town for my b-day. Our waitress was named Amber (she was beautiful, friendly and had good hair..must be the name) The ladies also bestowed very nice gifts upon this unsuspecting girl. They had made a secret trip to Anthro without me, at first I was upset that they did not invite me, but of course was won over by very sweet presents:) I'm a lucky lady to have such good AZ gf's.
5. So today I'm meeting with a very sweet artist who is going to spruce up the blog..YAY!!
4. Another AZ gf Jessica had a very sweet new arrival this past weekend. Her and her husband welcomed a baby boy into the world!We have been partners in crime during Dave Ramsey classes for the past 10 weeks or so. They are a great couple and we have had a blast getting to know them. They are going to make great parents:)
3. So THEY came!! Yipee!! What I mean by they of course is the boots..gotta love the smell of new leather:)
2. I'm going to have a few more chances to wear them cuz...
(more on this to come, this has been a TOTAL SHOCK and we will be home by Christmas, really I will post the whole story very soon)
Honestly, Im still in shock. All day I just had to "pinch" myself to make sure I wasnt dreaming!
I think that you dont know what you have until its gone, you can EVEN take the best friends for granted:(
AZ girlfriends, you gals are the best! I think I am going to be needin' some of that AZ sun... so we will draw straws to see which gals get the road trip, which direction. OR, we could just MEET halfway in Vegas baby!!!! whoohooooo!!!
My husband finally told me to shut up about last night.