The List

10. Passive aggresive people..not a fan.
9. I'm going to be ordering some chickens in the next few will be good to know where my eggs are coming from once again.
8. Zach and I are going to sneak off to AZ in the next few weeks..taking some time to see some friends and to see that bright thing in the sky called the sun..
7. Have you heard the news?? Miss Elaine is hosting her first annual "Boho" art retreat..ooh it's gonna be fun..ooh you don't want to miss out..oooh there is only 10 spaces and I'm taking that means only 9 left..glitter, solder, food, laughs, and lots and lots of encouragement for your WONDERFUL artistic spirit!! Go! Now!
6. Today I looked in my closet and decided it's time for some new clothes..shh don't tell Zach.
5. One of my New Years resolutions was to keep my finger nails painted more (yes I know I set the bar SUPER high for myself). So far I've done it twice..
4. Went and saw Avatar..not too sure what all the hype is about...
3. Zach is taking next week off..stay tuned for short blog posts about a mans being at work..away from his she can do what she blog.
2. So am I the only one with issues about Valentines Day "stuff" already being marketed? I know it happens every year but man...we just get done with Christmas!! Now don't get me wrong..this in no means gets you off the hook Zach (Anthro gift card). I just feel like there is a constant barrage (Anthro gift card) of consumerism (Anthro gift card). No wonder Americans (Anthro gift card) are in so much debt.
1. And speaking of Valentines Day..Isabelle has taken to writing poetry. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with some of her stuff...she wrote this little ditty.
love is love
theres no way you can explain it.
Out of the mouths of babes..
Fun list. What was your 1st favorite thing that you love about Zach? Is it a sizzling secret?
If I ever went into a normal store I would also be consumed with the consumerism. I really, really hate that! The holiday displays @ Value Village and Goodwill just don't overwhelm me, although they are displayed sooner and sooner each year (I just had to add that).
Yay! Yay! for Miss Elaine and her Artistical Boho Art Retreat!!!!
I hate burning. forever.
passive agressive people suck.
I wish I could see the big bright thing in the sky.
cant wait for BOHO retreat.
New clothes, yes please!
I am looking forward to valentines day.. go figure.