Do these comments make my butt look big?

There was this girl that I went to high school with. Let's call her Betty Lou. Betty Lou was skinny and all the boys liked her. And every so often she would come and sit down at our table with a loud sign and say..
"Oh I'm so fat!"
To which all the girls at the table would interject..
"No Betty Lou! You are not fat!"
"No Betty Lou! You are the most skinny girl around!"
"No Betty Lou! I wish I was as skinny as you!"
It took me a few years to see the pattern or really maybe I never even realized it until after I graduated. You see Betty Lou really only said those things so people would say nice things back to her..poor dear, I'm sure she was just having a bad day and itching for a compliment. I can totally relate to Betty Sue..
While I'm not fishing for compliments about my body shape (but will gladly take them if you feel it necessary) I'm speaking of my blog..
My blog comments..or rather the lack there of.
I'm insecure about it. I don't want to be insecure about it. I don't want you to think I'm blogging about this so you will all start commenting..and say things like..
"Oh Amber! You have the best blog around!" (ok really I do want you to say that)
"Oh Amber! I'm just so enraptured by your fine writing skills I forget to leave comments" (ok you can say that too)
"Oh Amber! You are the skinniest girl around!" (yes yes you can say that as well)
When I first started blogging I never told anyone..not a soul. For one whole year I sheepishly typed, praying no one would ever find me. Then people started finding me. Remember that scene in Julia and Julia, when she got her first comment?..Yes it was from her Mom..but if you blog you know what feeling I'm talking about.
I'm not going to lie, comments feel good.
Maybe comments feel good for all the wrong reasons.
Maybe I once again need to start sheepishly typing and praying no one will find me.
Maybe I need to stop worrying about what people are going to think or say and just write what I feel.
Or maybe I just need to get over myself and my ego.
I hate it when I have to get over myself.
I mean its hard, cuz I'm so awesome and all..
Shoot there I go again.
This is going to be harder than I thought.
Oh and I'm hosting a give-away so go leave a comment..ha!
You just have to continue to be you.
To write about what you want to write about...what makes up your days...what makes you happy. There are ways to strategize getting new viewers...and then there are other ways to keep them coming back...but, I have to say that most people who pop in and out just don't leave comments. The 'commenting community' is a small one.
Do a great job and you don't have a big butt!
Its just Im soo enraptured by your fine writing skills, I forget to leave comments.
and YOUR the skinniest girl AROUND!
Thanks for visiting our blog and leaving a nice comment on my "new" skirt.
Beth of Salvage Studio