Captains log March 13, 2020 Corona Day #3
Captains log March 13, 2020
Corona Day #3
The Easter candy has long since run out and I can’t help but think about how Super Tuesday was only 10 days ago. America thought Bernie actually had a chance and we would be rationing toilet paper for entirely different reasons, those were simpler times.
On another note, I would highly caution you against watching such instant classics as ‘World War Z’ or ‘I am Legend’. While yes there are few things sexier than Brad Pitt trying valiantly to save his family while his hair keeps getting in his eyes, flesh-eating zombies do seem to be a bit of a trigger. Plus, Will Smith mercy killing his dog is hard even on the best days.
Lastly, I have noticed that there are two distinct camps on the socials. Per usual, I find myself somewhere in the messy middle. I invite you to hang out (at a safe distance of course) with me here. It’s cozy, we sleep at night, have food in storage, but would still meet you for a coffee. (I mean if you are symptom-free). Sarcasm is served in heavy self-deprecating doses and if something crazy goes down, we, like Will Smith, will hold our animals lives in the highest regards.