The List

10. I was in Seattle this morning..just plain GORGEOUS!! Puget Sounds crystal clear water with a little peak of Mt Rainier..Seattle Perfection!!
Oh and the downtown Goodwill was AWESOME.
Good Washingtonish day.

9. I forgot how green it was here.

8. My kids are beyond tired, so is their Mother.

7. The Dish will be here this weekend, good luck!!

6. I do miss my peeps in AZ, hope all is well girls!!

5. My Aunt brought me back the most Amberish type necklace from Paris last week..I can't wait to show it off.

4. Did I mention how tired I am??

3. We will be camping next week and taking a visit to Silverwood Theme park in Idaho, this brings our state tally up to 4.

2. When I get home I need to find a new place to live. I have to chalk this up as another Strehle adventure. I need some ideas AZ ladies.

1. I had the AWESOME opportunity to spend a few hours with Jeff and Josh. They have just returned from a 14 month deployment in Iraq. I can't even adequately wrap my words around the things we discussed or how I feel about it. We just have no clue what those boys go through for our country, how much they sacrifice in every way. Thank You Jeff and Josh for your service, you are truly hero's.


Anonymous said…
Love the pics. We miss you too! Been thinking about you hoping your having a grand time! Oh, I'm sure KF & I can help you find a place to live;)Glad you got to see the military boys. You know how I have a special place in my heart for those guys! ao
Anonymous said…
So glad your time over yonder is grand...and that you are having decent weather - we know how that can be.
Lateda said…
Miss yah ALREADY girlie:) Hope you are keeping down the FORT while Im gone:)
See you MONDAY:)
The Dish

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